LapakIn App
About LapakIn
LapakIn is a promising startup currently incubated by Google and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia through the Bangkit Academy 2023 program. LapakIn operates in the business development sector, with a special focus on assisting Indonesian entrepreneurs in establishing and growing their Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (UMKM).
Bangkit AcademyGoogleKampus Merdeka
MSMEsCommonly abbreviated as UMKM in Indonesia, have emerged as the primary job providers in the country. According to data from the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, the MSME sector has the capacity to employ up to 97% of the workforce and contributes approximately 60.4% of the total investment in Indonesia.
GovernmentThe government's commitment to fostering the MSME sector is expected to give rise to a new generation of potential entrepreneurs in the future. Therefore, both newcomers and those looking to expand their businesses within the MSME sector need to pay close attention to various key aspects. One crucial aspect in commencing a business is the selection of the right business location.
Vision & Mission
Our VisionLapakIn serves as a technology platform dedicated to fostering the growth of Indonesian Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) by facilitating access to suitable business locations.
Our MissionLapakIn is committed to advancing UMKM progress through a range of initiatives that support growth and collaboration.
Products & Services
Ideal Business LocationWe use machine learning as a tool to help determine ideal business locations.
Supporting SellersWe help sellers connect with customers for renting or selling their business spaces.
Legal GuidanceWe provide comprehensive legal assistance from searching until the business space is ready for use.
Team Members
Haoking SuryanatmajaIntroducing Haoking, our Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Haoking is a graduate of the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) with a strong background in technology, data, entrepreneurship, and project management. With these diverse skills, Haoking is dedicated to supporting LapakIn on its journey toward success.
Samuel Raja Partogi PanggabeanPresenting Samuel, our CTO (Chief Technology Officer) and lead of Mobile Development. As a 2020 student of Information Systems at the University of Indonesia (UI), Samuel is ready to make significant contributions to the LapakIn.
I Kadek Priyana Adi MertaIntroducing our CBO (Chief Business Officer), Adi, who has entrepreneurial experience and is the ideator behind LapakIn. Adi is currently a 2020 student majoring in Computer Systems at the Institute of Business and Technology Indonesia (INSTIKI).
Febi ImanuelaMeet Febi, our CDO (Chief Data Officer), leading the Machine Learning development. Febi is a 2020 student majoring in Computer Science at the University of Indonesia (UI), with a strong expertise in user experience, data and machine learning technology.
Melisa Ayu AngelinaMeet Melisa, our CAO (Chief Administrative Officer), responsible for Mobile Development. Melisa is a 2020 Information Systems student at the University of Indonesia (UI). Driven by her passion for technology, Melisa has a keen focus on design and front-end development.
Mohammad Fisal Aly AkbarSay Hi to Fisal, our Chief Media Officer (CMO), who is working on Machine Learning development. Fisal is graduated from Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya (ITS Surabaya) with a strong interest and background in data science, technology, media creative, and organization management.
Awards & Recognitions
Incubated by Bangkit Academy led by Google, GoTo, and TravelokaOur team is currently in the incubation phase and is privileged to have the opportunity to be nurtured under the guidance of industry leaders such as Google, GoTo, and Traveloka.
Top 20 Product - Based Capstone ProjectAmong 787 participating teams, we earned recognition for our product-based capstone project, securing a position in the Top 20.
Industry Leadership RecognitionWe were acknowledged as a leader in our industry through various industry events and publications, cementing our reputation as a go-to company for innovative solutions.
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ContactGedung Bursa Efek Indonesia Tower 1 Level 3 Suite 304, SCBD
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53 Jakarta Selatan 12190 852-1992-1657
© 2024 PT Lapakin Anugerah Teknologi